My name is just Grandpa, if you want to tell me stories of your old betsys, or whatever you called her, feel free. Nothing I like better than hearing old stories. I live in Monroeville, NJ and you can contact me though this blog

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm Back!!

Well, now how are you all, staying warm I hope. Darn this weather is something,, so warm now freezing your (you know what off) Ha! Ha !
Have you had a chance to check out any of the cars I have on here? If you are interested in them let me know.. I have a pretty good collection, and these are some I thought others would like. Some I have I would not part with , and some now are hard to find, so check them out.
When you look at some of these cars you wonder "what ever happened to FENDER SKIRTS " I always thought they made a car look great. But boy were they a mess when you had a flat tire. Especally if you were dress to go out on a date. Any one remember that??? But they were the "good old days" ?? well, take care and I'll be around, so come back and visit,, Grandpa.....

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