My name is just Grandpa, if you want to tell me stories of your old betsys, or whatever you called her, feel free. Nothing I like better than hearing old stories. I live in Monroeville, NJ and you can contact me though this blog

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Well, hello every one,, hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday,,,
thw temp. was 82 today here.. Lordy. I wonder what summer is going to be.
my Hostas are about 12 inches high, and my rose bushes are getting thier leaves,,, a good sign.!

I checked around today trying to remeber where I planted some of the flowers that will come up again this year,, I found some.
My youngest son Ed, a flat of Panseys (well, really for his mother) so I planted them around the fish pond, they look really nice. It is supposed to rain Saturday, and Grandma's not to happy about that she has a craft show,, so the rain will wipe that out,,,,,.
well, thats about all for this night, you all stay healthy and happy,,,, and be nice to others.

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